Suzanne Bagheri @The Painted Drawer

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Let's Work On Keeping Your Home In Tip Top Shape, Shall We?

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Let’s work on keeping your home in the best possible condition, shall we? It’s important that you are doing this to make it a nice place to live, and to make sure that your family is happy there. If you don’t, then you could run into a whole host of issues that nobody wants to run into, as well as having to live in a dirty house, which again, nobody wants. The good news is that there are ways around this, you just need to make sure that you’re keeping consistent with them. Interested to know what they are? Good, keep reading.

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Clean As You Go Along

First, we’re going to recommend that you clean as you go along. This one might sound like a whole load of effort that you are not ready to extend, but you’re going to have to. The reason for this is because if you leave it all to pile up, you then end up with a whole day of cleaning to do at the end of the week, meaning that you don’t really get any time to enjoy yourself. You will be busy vacuuming, dusting, doing dishes, and all the other tasks that you didn’t want to do during the week.

Instead of letting this happen, you need to clean up as you go along. Do the dishes as you make the best, wipe down your countertops as you use them, vacuum every evening before you go to bed and so on. It only takes a few minutes at a time and will barely inconvenience your day, even though sometimes it feels like the hardest task in the world to complete. You’ll thank yourself for doing this, we promise.

Make Repairs As Necessary

When repairs pop up and they need sorting, it’s imperative that you are sorting them. The longer that you leave an issue to fester, the more of a problem it’s going to become. You are giving them the chance to worsen, to become more of a problem which will then end up causing you to spend more money and more time fixing the issue. If you would just fix it as and when it becomes a problem though, you won’t have to worry about this happening.

There are some basic fixes that you will be able to make on your own, and there are others where you are going to need to call in the professionals. For example, holes in the walls and a small leak in the roof? You should be able to sort that without too much. However, if there is a bigger issue that needs sorting, that’s completely different and you’re likely going to need help. Get in touch with a professional asap to get your problem sorted.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled For Pests

Pets are one of the last things that anyone wants in their home. It doesn’t matter which one it is, they can be a nightmare, even if they are not dangerous. They take over the place, getting into everything and being a major pain in the behind, so if you do have any pests, you’ve got to get rid of them as soon as possible. When we say this, the brain automatically jumps to bugs which is fair because these are common pests, but we are also talking about things such as mice. Mice can be a huge pain in the behind for people who experience them, and you can try mouse snap traps or things like this, but they don’t always work.

When it comes to pests, we strongly recommend getting professional help to eradicate the problem. They are the only ones who can be sure that they are getting rid of the problem using specialist methods. They know what they are doing, and they can ensure that the pests are not too much of an issue going forward. It might take a couple of treatments to get rid of them all depending on how bad the issue was, but you can trust the professionals to sort it out.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you should be doing to keep your home in tip top shape. We understand that this is not always easy with everything else that you have going on in life, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not possible. As long as you persevere, you don’t let things slide and think that you’ll just do them later, and you keep on top of it, you should be absolutely fine. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope you manage to achieve this goal.